onsdag 30 juli 2008

300th post anniversary

Sooo, this is it for the english weeks...bye bye!

Så nu är jag tillbaks, laddad som bara den, jävular så det ska skrivas, det kommer smattra ut inlägg, jävlar det kommer inte bli nådigt. Så nu har jag semester, eller ja, långhelg. Men det ska bli NICE! Och en lite mindre kul sak, min kära flickvän lyckades klämma fingret i nån monstruös maskin på jobbet i måndags och ligger nu hemma och är sjukskriven, hon klämde det så pass fint så hon mosade massa nerver i fingret och det kommer inte läka helt förrän om ett år typ...inte nice. Fast man kan kräma ut pengar från abb så det är väl nice om det går för sig, kan behövas.

Imorgon blir det BV (beachvolley) så det smäller om det, det ska blockas som bara den. Aja, nu är ju jag sjukt trött så jag ska slagga...PEACE

DAMN jag vill ha dessa, nej det här paret utav entourage kicksen är inte lika feta som de andra, men dessa finns tillgängliga, endast ETT par worldwide och gissa vems storlek, thats right, min size, 11, remember it. 2350$ bara, jag är öppen för donationer :)

söndag 27 juli 2008

Weekend in sthlm, hangaround on the balcony and swimming in the ocean

So I spent the weekend in sthlm, of course we had to attend the premiere of The Dark Knight, and DAMN, heath ledger seriously is a GOD. The joker was such a good character, and so well-played by mr. ledger. Saturday evening i spent with my german friend mostly just hangin around on our "balcony" drinkin n listenin to music. The weather was so kick ass so of course i had to hit the beach for the first time of the year, and no, it wasnt that cold actually. Here are some slammin pixx from the weekend. PEACE

onsdag 23 juli 2008


Soo, guess what? i got a new haircut, its called "old me". And yes, i got short hair...like 5cm short. The funny thing is that it wasnt meant to be short, but my girlfriends mother cut too much so after 40min my hair was kinda short, and there was nothing to do about it. So here i am! :) yeah i know, it feels weird for me too, but it'll grow out in like....6months...damn, thats a long time...

söndag 20 juli 2008


So im back from my weekend in stockholm, back to this shithole of town where its cold and rainy. Yes it sucks, bigtime.

im le tired, and have shit to do...so i'll leave u guys hangin with this short post...PEACE

måndag 14 juli 2008

Shorty wanna li-li-li-li-lick me like a lollipop

So the weekend is officially over and it was okey. The dj at the club sucked bigtime as usual, at one point the cd even jumped...n00b. But he had his top when he played weezy (lollipop) and floooooo-ridaaaah...but that did only last for 8 minutes.

Work today sucked, me and the guy im working with just sat and talked and played 5-in-a-row and battleship. and yes, i won :)

Here are some pics from the weekend and the vid to lollipop.

fredag 11 juli 2008

K.O Billy!

Goddamn, ive been watching this picture for over 2 minutes now...its so dynamic, damn we pounded that photoshoot. So update from ludvika: its raining outside, tomorrow its morgans b-day so were gonna get hammered, and oh...did i mention i was bored out of hell? Yes its realy fucking boring, i get home from work around 5 o'clock and dont have time to do anything, there aint no good stores so it sucks to go windowshopping, and everyone is lazy after work, bitches! ait, im done complaining. Now ima go to bed n sleep instead...try to get some sleep at least before the baby we have in the apartment over the weekend wakes up.

torsdag 10 juli 2008

It's here!

My preciouuuuuuuuuuuus has finally arrived...and no im not talkin bout the new iphone...i have to keep paying of my cell i have now til mid december...which kinda suxx. But ima buy one iphone from US and A and jailbreak it :)

And oh, for those of u still keepin it real in HS BABY! words on the street is that ill be in town around the 26th july...so be free from work n stuff :)

tisdag 8 juli 2008

im a survivor!

So i survived the weekend. Of course i had to go all in and party both days. Saturday jimmy threw a lil party in his new apartment. it started out fine until we had to get our asses to the "club"...and it kinda rained outside. So it ended up with three of us getting a ride with someones dad and me and niklas riding one bike. Yup we got soaked, but it was nice though.

So after that we spent the whole night TRYING to dance in the small spot they like to call dancefloor at that raggidy daggity club. Seriously, 100people dancing on a 5x5m floor...not the most brilliant idea they've came up with.

today my sweeeeeeeeeetass teeeeeeeee arrived from US and A, funkyfresh! ima post an image later....PEACE

lördag 5 juli 2008


Last night was great. The weather was awesome, the beer was awesome, i was awesome, everything was awesome. The evening started out with a nice meal with gordo and then we went to a lake and played some football (soccer) and drank some beer. And of course we hit THE TOWN! going to clubz n shit lyk DAT! So we danced all night long and then we went to the afterparty (mcdonalds) and me n my girlfriend (not luv) walked the drivethrough..true story, and we got our food for free.

And haha, funny thing, i met one of my old classmates who liked me when we were in comprehensive school. And she remembered me about how i blewed her off back in the day.
It's quite funny actually...haha, "Elin (her name), if you would have been 10cm taller and had bigger boobs, i would be togheter with you." "tjejer säger, alex är en player player player...". hehe, what can i say? Playaah.

So now im about to go to jimmy and crash his apartment which he moved into today. PEACE

torsdag 3 juli 2008

summertime in ludvika

Today we finally had real summer weather. And my work didnt suck as much as it probably should've. So basically today ive just worked, and then i came home to find myself sitting around doing nothing. So i bought an icecream and this new daim limited super duper edition (which sucked) and sat down by a lake and watched the boats drive by.

Boring post, yepp...but thats life as it should be here in ludvika...boring.

Good morning

Good morning dear readers of this awesome blog. Im eating breakfast right now getting ready to go to work. Im actually looking forward to go to work today, the weather is great for once which means its not 10c outside...which equals to me wearing shorts...not boardshorts though, i work at an office so i cant look to sloppy.

Annie hao...funny shit, almost everyone of my old girl-classmates have kids now...its sick! seriously, i saw one of my old classmates who had two! Even my most recent ex has one! damn...could've been me :P

Now i gotta go n brush my teeth and go to work.

BTW, watch this video...so funny! too bad its in swedish though...ill translate some words (Vem var det som kasta?! = Who threw?!, Vad ska jag göra med min fucking skjorta?! = What should i do with my fucking shirt?!)

"Vafan! Vem fan var det som sprutade?! Jag har ju chinos på mig!" by my friend last saturday, true story...shit the same u dont get it but we had a blast...

And here's one of the replies to the first video on youtube.. :D