måndag 23 juni 2008

Midsummer, Maredsous 8, partycrashing och pizzabjudande på tåget hem...

Här ger jag er ett recept på hur man spenderar en skön midsommar i sthlm. Och jag har bestämt mig för att hooka en eller två veckors bloggande på engelska tack vare alla mailz jag får från mina fanz i US and A...så det som följer är på engelska. (också tack vare att de utgör ungefär 25% av mina läsare i dagsläget :/ )

So finally its time for my english week(s)...so here's a my secret recipe for a successful weekend...

Step 1. Get a job (Thursday)
Step 2. Buy booze...(75cl Maredsous 8 + random amount of summer-beer and 'nubbe')
Step 3. Play basketball
Step 4. Take a shower, or don't...
Step 5. Watch 6-7 episodes of Friday Night Lights
Step 6. Sleep (not sure about that one...)
Step 7. Wake up
Step 8. Play basketball
Step 9. Buy food (meatballs, 'sill' and stuff)
Step 10. Cook food
Step 11. Eat food and get drunk
Step 12. Crash a party
Step 13. Wake up hungover and end up at a birthday party out in tensta (its a tensta thing...)
Step 14. Go to bed to not sleep at all and then wake up hungover and realise that u have to do he dishes and clean up the apartment.
Step 15. Book a trainticket home to Ludvika
Step 16. Buy this fuckin FRESH tee
Step 17. You're supposed to leave a CD at a library before the train leaves but can't because of problems with "tvärbanan train" (true story)
Step 18. Sit down at the train and out of a sudden get yourself a pizzaslice from a kind lady in front of you and then talk with her and the people next to you for the next our until u have to switch train.
Step 19. Meet another gurrrl from ludvika and talk with her and her friend the rest of the way home...yes for those of u who noticed this part of the home-ride does not contain any friday night lights' watching...that sucks.
Step 20. Arrive home and eat food at my brothers crib
Step 21. Go to my lady's apartment and pass out on the bed
Step 22. Wake up 5 hours later and go to work.

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